Changing Careers at 30
Changing careers is a big decision to make. Some people never get the chance to totally change the trajectory of their career. After spending 10 years in recruitment, Kate press paused and re-evaluated what she really wanted. We jumped at the opportunity to get Kate on board. Carry on reading to find out more about the newest member of our management team!
Tell us about your previous work experience?
I started out my career in telesales, working in a large, corporate call centre. I joined as a Telesales agent for around 9 months, before being identified as a high achiever and being offered the opportunity to work as a sales coach. From there I progressed into their Learning and Development team, designing and delivering training. After that I spent 10 years in recruitment, with my last role specialising in senior appointments in the HR arena.
Why did you decide to join Premium Sales?
After 10 years in recruitment and 4 months on furlough I decided I wanted a change. I wanted a role where I could use my skills, but also have the opportunity to continue doing things that I loved, including winning new business, getting involved in marketing but also coaching and development of teams and Premium Sales provided me with the opportunity to combine what I love, as well as what I am good at!
What is it like working for Becky?
It’s great fun! We are open and honest with each other and know each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Our views and opinions on things are closely aligned, so we are able to provide a clear vision on what is expected and how the business should be operating, therefore there is never any conflict.
What is your role within Premium sales?
Currently I am Operations Manager, a bit of a Jack of all trades if you will! I am responsible for the day to day operational running of the sales office. This includes management of individual employee performance, as well as ensuring our customers receive excellent service and great results on their accounts. I also recruit and train new members of staff, as well as providing coaching and guidance for the team currently in place. I have a hand in winning new business and also get to take the reins on my passion projects, which are marketing, blogging and social media.
Your styles are very different, how does that benefit the business?
We complement each other really well. Becky is practical, strategically minded and highly organised! I have more of a creative mind, which enables me to look at processes from an ‘outsiders’ viewpoint. This means I am able to see how we may be able to make improvements and efficiencies that may be of benefit to our ourselves, as well as our customers.
What do you love about Premium Sales?
I really love the family vibe that we have. We are all one big team and we help and support one another, but also the team genuinely care about getting the best for our customers. They actively seek improvements and welcome feedback from one another, which is something you don’t get in a lot of businesses. We also get a lot of flexibility and autonomy within our roles, so we can make the most of our time and how we work.
If you would like to speak to Kate about how Premium Sales can help your business, get in touch here